The ways in which we presently accept and
gather the information used in our actions presents four major concerns: (1)
the seemingly unbridgeable gap between the primary referencing sources that inform
most of humanity’s actions today and the essential survival information
available from biophysical Reality; (2) the unrealized imprudence and
recklessness of making an imagined reality the basis for action in Reality; (3)
the rejection of presently available lifestyle choices for ways of life that
would more naturally gravitate toward and accept biophysically based
referencing as having supremacy over self-referencing; and (4) the seemingly
absolute, even monumental, supremacy of our present self-referenced reality
defining what we call “personal success” and even in remaining alive within its
structures [1].
Before we can understand how the
distortions and dysfunctions of self-referencing in the Consciousness System of
Order (CSO) works, or doesn’t work, it is necessary to understand how
referencing functions in the Living System of Order (LSO): A reference is that
to which we refer in formulating an action, and by ‘we’ I mean the thing
acting; this could be anything that responds to energy from a pebble to a
vulture to a human. The
referencing conditions are the context within which the action takes place –
but more than context – the source of all the pertinent information, and
primary forces, that informs the action [2].
Referencing in the Living System of Order:
To what do living things refer when
formulating an action? The answer
will be the basis for the referencing system of living things. Broadly the answer is: (1) genetically
formed physical and behavioral options as (2) potentiated by environmental
events and processes: genetically mediated behaviors, like reflexes, instincts
and behavioral patterns are triggered by environmental events. Animals with large brains add a level
of complexity by being able to refine genetically derived patterns based on
learning specific responses to environmental details that present in
evolutionarily unaddressable time-frames, are inconsistent within evolutionary
time-frames or insufficiently energetic to drive evolutionary change, but still
are usefully exploited to survival advantage; these learned references are
still made to environmental processes and events.
Referencing in the Consciousness System
of Order:
In the broadest strokes, the first and
primary characteristic of the CSO is that it captures the complex learning
which is characteristic of large brained animals and stores it in various forms
that frees the learning from being locked in the singular brain that
experienced the learning in the first place. It does this though the communication systems of humans,
communication systems that not only allow the learned event to be processed as
a Story framed in the communication system, but also can attach motivational
elements to Story to make them more memorable: more possible, efficient and
desirable to be repeated and more dominating as a referencing source. Different versions of Story begin to
compete as the basis for action.
The success of the individual in the community becomes a combination of
the effectiveness of actions in the ecology and the attachment to and support of a
version of Story that is valued by the community.
In the originating and must functional
form, the community Story is a specialized adaptive mechanism that rapidly
adjusts, with incredibly sensitive fine tuning, the whole community’s behavior
to the deep subtleties of local and regional ecologies. Humans become the behavioral chameleon,
but without the chameleon’s limitation of only being able to change within a
genetically coded range of pattern; human possibility is essentially endless.
“Endless possibility” restrained and
retained within strict ecological boundaries produces increasing refinements of
detail. It produces art, religion
[3], music, refinements of language, poetry, science, human diversity and social complexity, all
functioning as integrated responses to climate, local biodiversity, the
ecologically mediated sources of essential materials and foods, landscape and
general habitat.
“Endless possibility” unrestrained and
unbounded by any guiding design other that its own most previous iteration is
a formula for chaos, the origin of madness. Distinctions dissolve and form with only the basis supplied
by Story rather than Story responding to distinctions pressed forward by
ecological Reality [4]. Without a
referencing structure attached to biophysical Reality, Story can no longer
adjust behaviors into environmentally adaptive responses; it hasn’t done this
for a very long time. And it leads
people to believe that they have created their own world separate from and
better than the ecological world of the earth’s narrow living space; that it is
the created world to which we have a true allegiance and to which we must make
our adjustments.
This last is, of course, true; we must
form our behavior compatibly with the social, economic and political realities
that have immediate impact on us, but it is also required that we have
mechanisms to make those social, economic and political realities comport with
the biophysical designs of the big kauna Reality delivered up by the chemistry
and physics of earth’s physical and biological processes. That we could create a Story that the
biophysical processes of the earth are secondary to our economic processes is
proof enough of the incomprehensible dangers of self-referencing delivered up
by the CSO.
The three primary systems of order,
Physical System of Order (PSO), Living System of Order (LSO) and Consciousness
System of Order (CSO) function on different order giving principles. The ordering principles of the PSO are
distributed through all of matter/energy as physical properties and forces of
interaction. The ordering principles of the LSO are a specific set of
principles from the PSO unique to the surface of the living earth and the new
centralized information handling and storage system of the DNA/protein
nexus. The nature and capacities
of the DNA/protein nexus set the limits for what life can be and create the
structure for the possibilities for life within those limits. What cannot happen within the design of
DNA selection, storage and implementation as protein construction cannot be
part of life.
The ordering principles of the CSO are
more challenging still. As with
the LSO, the PSO is the base. The
LSO with its genetic implications and limitations is substrate. And just as the central organizing
principle of the LSO is unimaginable given only the PSO principles as a
reference, so the CSO principles are unimaginable as direct consequences of the
functioning of PSO and LSO principles.
Information that existed as only uncaptured and uncapturable byproducts
of PSO and LSO processes, information that was not information at all since it
had no form, other than the fleeting occurrence as part of some more ‘earthy’
event, no device capable of realizing it and no place for it to be gathered;
this nebulous effluvium ‘leaking’ inauspiciously from biophysical events has
been turned into a new source of information for the CSO, and the CSO turned
into a new way to organize the events and processes of the world.
The self-referencing consequence of CSO
processes has carried us to the brink.
And in a natural irony only CSO processes that can create the Story that
will reconnect us to the biophysical reality from which comes the humorless
decisions of survival. In the
companion essay to this one, Changing the Story (in three parts) I try to offer
[1] This is like playing a game in which
the rules are made inviolable by the other players and no one is allowed to
leave the field of play. Stepping
back with perspective may make it clear that the rules are artificial
constructions, that the playing field is artificially bounded and that other
rules could adapt the game more satisfactorily to the increasing demands of the
surrounding conditions, but the constant, unrestrained application of the rules
in the moment makes change appear impossible.
[2] ‘Pertinent’ has two quite
different meanings in this context. In the non-CSO situations pertinent refers
to the energies that have a direct physical influence and the energies that can
be perceived by sense organs and thus, through nervous system activation,
activate actions disproportionate to their base energy levels. For the CSO,
pertinent can refer to these same cases as well as to relationships, both real
and imagined, to the content of Story and thus activate actions without
reference to actual biophysical relationships.
[3] Not religion as we think of that
behavior today – in fact, there is no single word or readily available concept
in my understanding of our present language that really circumscribes my idea
of what “religion” was in its formative origins. The best I can come up with is that it was a Story-based
device that motivated the community to non-intuitive adaptive necessities of
the ecology. The behavior of
religion was a Story guided adaptive continuity with the ecology, the community
and individual behavior.
[4] As I’ve intimated in this and other
essays, ecological Reality can be considered trivial from the point of view of
the present Story and the conditions of life generated by it. Getting a job, making enough money;
dealing with banks, healthcare and family; economic and political actions that
seem so potentially dangerous; what is a river minnow, a mountain top or a
change in some ‘parts per million or billion’, or whatever, compared to letting
my family down by not having a big Christmas?
I can only answer that that big Christmas
would not be so much fun without safe or adequate food, clean water and oxygen
in unpolluted air. We, humans,
have become fully capable of tipping over the ecological balances that allow
complex life to exist. The only
thing that stops people from understanding this reality is that our present
self-referenced Story says that the earth is infinite and also that God will
protect us – along with a supporting cast of other illusions.